After all day long for heading to my best friends graduated ceremony at Bangkok University, tonight I got the very very special 2 tickets for The king's speech's screening in Bangkok. I've to say I'm not a critic, I'm Firth's fan. Therefore, I will not comment this movie just say about what I'm thinking.
I walked to the theater, Scala, around 7 pm. There were many people stay in line for registrations, so I'm out to suck my cig then I went to register again, I got 2 tickets ! then waiting for my friend....ok! I skipped all activities while waiting to the screening. The theater was full of the audiences who I thought they were interesting in this movie same me, I don't know may be some audiences may be the critic or not? but I saw a famous director in Thailand was here and I saw on board "this special screening is for the journalist, critic and people who is interesting." I'm in the third choice.
The King's speech started with the scene we've seen in the trailer which is King George VI's first speech at the Empire Exhibition , most people in the room was quite and staring concentrically because we had to read Thai subtitle. The movie was continue and people was still quite until scene the king meets Logue , I heard some giggle and laugh (I'm the one who is giggle) and some one still reading subtitle :), The big problem of Thai people while watching foreign movie is language, we did not used to. As I read Thai sub, I think there were a lot of mistakes I didn't blame the translator but I think it should be better or this sub is not complete yet ? because It will be released in limited in February,3 (P.S I'm not fluent in English but I felt it's not that translation!!!!)
The most like scene I measured from the response in the room could be the scene that The king sware and Logue tease him and another scene that made people smile on their mouth could be plane scene that is Logue allowed him to play with his boys's plane.
But for me, the very touching scenes were the scene he told Logue about his painful when he was young, about a nanny who hated him and punished him, terribly sad. And the scene that he is crying and said to his adorable wife, Elizabet, "I'm not a king, I'm a naval officer" It's almost make me cry. If I were him and stammer like him I couldn't go over my fear about speak publicly for sure ! and I wouldn't bear with someone who mimic about my stammer but He braves ! and more brave than his older brother.
For the overall in my feeling, This movie is better than The Social Network and other nominated or not ? I don't know, hard to judge but I love Colin Firth, he is my favorite actor who inspires me to learn English because I need to know what is he saying. For the cast, Geoffrey Rush did a good job. When his character and the king are speaking and replying each other was the amazing scene, it's full of funny, teasingly and truthfully. His role fulfills the film about the relationship between commoner and The King then became friendship forever. I don't know why the voters look over him, he should win award for his role. Helena Bonham Carter is amazing as well, she looks strong in the role King's wife who is support her husband everything and stand beside him even worse moment in his life that makes the character is more adorable and fulfills the film as well. Then, Colin Firth who will win all race awards including the Oscar (bias alert!!!) he makes the audiences believed that he is The King of England who is stammer, real stammer not fake! and never want to be the king. He get in to the character and play it flawlessly. I don't know exactly about the definition of BEST ACTOR but I can image when I watched him in this film.
Ok! Time to bed, my all day long is end. I have 2 hours for sleeping before heading to plant. Before I'm going to bed I want to salute 12 Oscar nominations for The King's speech...God save the King ! and God bless me no go to work late as well :)